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The Way to Town

By Cecile Lusby In 1952, we moved to our grandfather’s ranch on South Fruit Avenue outside Fresno. Will Main and his wife had taken the train from Cheyenne, Wyo., where they saw fruit box labels [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – July 2013

After decades of mismanagement of the city budget by a series of Republican mayors, Ashley Swearengin planned to balance the budget by throwing our award-winning sanitation workers under the bus. The [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – July 2013

Comfort the Afflicted and Afflict the Comfortable Bravo for the riveting Special Edition of the Community Alliance, and hats off to Mark Arax and his students for muckraking work of the highest [...] Continue Reading

The Crockford Files – July 2013

By John Crockford Spying on Everyone: Much Ado about Nothing!?! The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF;, an organization that battles for digital freedom in the courts, has published [...] Continue Reading