“Every unhoused individual out here right now is walking on death row. You have now signed every unhoused individual experiencing homelessness in Fresno city their death certificate.” —Advocate Dez [...] Continue Reading
Where Is Our Humanity?
Record-setting 115-degree heat. It is deadly on the streets of Fresno in the intense heat. It’s also deadly because it is City policy to continue encampment sweeps, harass individuals, confiscate [...] Continue Reading
Law, Dis-Order and Insanity
Albert Einstein once said that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” The longstanding and ongoing criminalization of poor people, people with [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
Trumpism Is Rebranded Racism! Amid this brouhaha about Trump the loser, Trump the leader, Trump the owner of the Right Wing, etc., etc., etc., the underlying question we are missing is: “What is [...] Continue Reading
$24 Billion Spent and Even More Unhoused People
On April 9, California released an audit of the State’s homelessness funding, including an evaluation of the efforts undertaken by the State to monitor the cost-effectiveness of such spending. The [...] Continue Reading
War on the Poor and Neo-Fascism
To be homeless does not mean I don’t have feelings. To be homeless does not mean I can’t feel how others treat me. To be homeless does not make it okay to assume I am dirty. To be homeless [...] Continue Reading
Where Have All the Public Dollars Gone?
California spent $17.5 billion trying to combat homelessness from 2018 to 2022, reported Nick Watt of CNN, on July 11, 2023. His article, “California has spent billions to fight homelessness. The [...] Continue Reading
Dire Circumstances for the Unhoused
Last winter in an e-mail to this reporter, Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer said that “some people may not believe it, but I really do care about homeless people.” In January 2023, Fresno City Council Member [...] Continue Reading
In Memory of Eddie Montoya
BY SALLIE MAGGARD Eddie Montoya was found deceased on the streets of the Tower District in August 2023, and there was a memorial for him on Sept. 10. His name has been submitted to the National [...] Continue Reading
Fresno’s Homeless Seek More Warmth
Bitterly cold nights in the San Joaquin Valley this winter have homeless people struggling to stay warm. On a frigid Jan. 9 morning, people from the Homeless Union pleaded with City of Fresno [...] Continue Reading
What If All the Cops Were Criminals?
“Just as every cop is a criminal and all the sinners saints.”—Rolling Stones Unhoused residents say the Fresno Police Department’s Homeless Assistance Response Team members commit crimes [...] Continue Reading
Everybody Is a Star Rising Above Their Social Condition
Some homeless man says, “You label me, you negate me,” echoing the premier Existentialist, Søren Kierkegaard. He articulates, “You may be tempted to hate me for being homeless and since my [...] Continue Reading