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Your Vote

(Editor’s note: We reproduce the following article with the permission of the El Tribuno del Pueblo.) OK, we get it. Some people are saying that these presidential elections, like the previous ones [...] Continue Reading

What Will Break the Spell?

A spell has been cast over the white evangelical world. What will it take to break the spell? Consistently, white evangelicals are a reliable voting bloc for the Republican Party. No matter how [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

Fresno: The Jurassic Park of Politics Rural areas are predominantly conservative. Local governments look at new ideas with distrust, something we witness constantly at Fresno County Board of [...] Continue Reading

Letter to the Editor

Election 2024 Your August Community Alliance was excellent! Your editor’s comments are right on target. This November’s election certainly is one of the most critical elections of our lifetimes, [...] Continue Reading

Harris Candidacy Invigorates Locals

President Joe Biden ended his reelection campaign on July 21 and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to succeed him as the Democratic candidate. Biden, 81, was under pressure after his incoherent [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

Kamala Harris’s candidacy for the White House is refreshing because she is bringing energy, enthusiasm and hope to the process. Joe Biden did a good job in his four-year term. Let’s remember that [...] Continue Reading

Backward Christian Soldiers

Worried about a Christian Nationalist takeover of the federal government? Good. You should be. Feeling helpless to block Project 2025 and Agenda 47, Trump’s Cliff Notes version of it, because you live [...] Continue Reading