It started with a deceptively innocuous Facebook post made by newly elected Clovis City Council Member Diane Pearce. On June 28, toward the close of Pride Month, she warned her constituents, “Might [...] Continue Reading
Los Colegios Comunitarios Empoderan a los Futuros Líderes Comunitarios
Cortesía Colegios Comunitarios de California Desde el 15 de septiembre hasta el 15 de octubre, conmemoramos el mes de la Herencia Hispana, un período dedicado a honrar las grandes contribuciones [...] Continue Reading
Teacher Shortages, Polarization and Learning Gaps
K-12 students returning to school this fall face teacher shortages, pitched battles over curricula and pandemic-era learning gaps, teachers and education officials explained at an Aug. 18 briefing [...] Continue Reading
The Kids Aren’t Alright
The start of a new school year can be like the coming of spring. There can be a glow of fresh, exciting possibilities in the air, the anticipation of the new. Something that often sets the tone for [...] Continue Reading
Huron High School and the Fight Against Institutional Racism
The mayor of Huron sent the Community Alliance this message on June 6: “FLASH***HOT OFF THE PRESS*** CHUSD Board prefers to support separation than a high school. Voiced at tonight’s board meeting.” [...] Continue Reading
False Narrative of Affirmative Action
While teaching at Binghamton University in New York for a number of years and at Fresno State for more than 30 years, the author served on admissions committees at both institutions and was struck at [...] Continue Reading
How the “Cellephant” Controls Instructional Time
One Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) teacher calls it the “cellephant.” For a significant number of middle and high school students in FUSD, attending classes regularly involves slipping into [...] Continue Reading
Opportunity for a High School in Huron
A high school in Huron would be a huge improvement in the lives of students and the community. No longer would students have to get up before the sun rises and miss extracurricular activities to take [...] Continue Reading
Porque el Colegio Comunitario Puede Cambiar tu Futuro
Por LIZETTE NAVARETTE Imagina pagar tus facturas mensuales sin tener que estresarte por lo que tienes en el banco. Ir al trabajo todos los días para hacer algo que te resulte estimulante. Regresar [...] Continue Reading
“The cellephant in the room”
Walk into many Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) middle and high school classrooms on any given day, and you’ll spot several students using their phones—not in conjunction with their formal [...] Continue Reading
Celebrate Youth Civic Engagement
By John Minkler The American Founding Fathers chose the motto “E Pluribus Unum” to emphasize the vital principle of bringing diverse people together to work for the common good. They knew that [...] Continue Reading
Are Students Achieving Their Greatest Potential?
On the marquee in front of a Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) elementary school, there stands a bold and spirited message: “Achieving our greatest potential.” It would be wonderful if that [...] Continue Reading