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No More Stolen Lives

By Mike Rhodes Editor’s note: An important trial, particularly for those interested in police accountability issues, will begin on Dec. 6 in federal court in Fresno. The trial will look into the [...] Continue Reading

Clearing the Air

By Kevin Hall The Pivotal Year AheadThe coming year will prove to be pivotal in the effort to reduce Central Valley air pollution to “safe” levels any time soon. The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution [...] Continue Reading

The Guilty Governor and the Prison Boom

By Catherine Campbell (Author’s note: This is part two and the last section of an article that began in the November issue of the Community Alliance. Part one covered the period of California prison [...] Continue Reading

Jim Hightower in Conversation

By Richard Stone (Author’s note: While in Fresno to speak at the Progressives’ gathering on Oct. 1, Jim Hightower graciously afforded the Community Alliance time to interview him one-on-one. In the [...] Continue Reading

Clearing the Air

Valley Air Board’s InsensitivityBy Kevin Hall According to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, it was an orange flag day on a Thursday afternoon in late September, “unhealthy for [...] Continue Reading