(Editor's note: The writer of this article, a student at CSUF, was so concerned that he would be expelled or disciplined for writing this information that he would not use his name. It is alarming [...] Continue Reading
Arts & Culture
Fresno: How I Love Thee
Local Organizers Take on Disparities and Call to Action Oh Fresno… “I love Fresno.” This rarely leaves the lips of Fresno residents or visitors. Shame of our city hovers thickly, holding hands with [...] Continue Reading
Religion and War
By: David Roy Progressive Religion is not an Oxymoron The relationship between religion and war is a hot button topic. As with last month’s column on prayer in public places, most any discussion and [...] Continue Reading
The Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative Calendar
Saturday, May 1, 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. Helen Desai, M.A. A founding member of the Docent Council of the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco will be the speaker for Women of Spirit at 7319 N. Fourth St. Her [...] Continue Reading
SJRA-ADVOCATE ("This little newsletter")
By: Boston Woodard Every now and then, someone or something comes along bringing hope and beneficial information to thousands of prisoners in California. In the case of a small grassroots newsletter, [...] Continue Reading
By: Richard Stone I saw Avatar (at the $3 theater) a couple of weeks ago and was surprised to find below its visual extravaganza a ferociously anti-imperialist and anti-materialist story. It was [...] Continue Reading
Poor Man’s Poison in Benefit Concert for KFCF
By: Rick Flores My personal experience with the Fresno Folklore Society (FFS) goes back to the late 1970s, right out of high school, doctoring my driver's license so I could get into the Wild Blue [...] Continue Reading
Queer Eye
City of Fresno Really Stepped in the Poop! By: Dan Waterhouse Former Fresno fire recruit Michelle Maher told a rapt audience in a Fresno State classroom packed to beyond capacity that she’s gotten [...] Continue Reading
Chomsky Warns of Risk of Fascism in America
By: Matthew Rothschild Noam Chomsky, the leading leftwing intellectual, warned last week that fascism may be coming to the United States. "I'm just old enough to have heard a number of Hitler's [...] Continue Reading
Progressive News Briefs
Video Surveillance Increases with no Accountability By: Mike Rhodes Mayor Ashley Swearengin announced on April 14 that the city has placed an additional 10 video surveillance cameras in downtown [...] Continue Reading
Grassroots Profile
By: Richard Stone Kamal Abu-Shamsieh is the current (and first) director of the Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno (ICC). With no precedents to draw on, he has been given the opportunity/challenge to [...] Continue Reading
The American Civil Liberties Union: Working to Defend Your Rights
By: Bill Simon February was so hectic for the Fresno Area Chapter of the ACLU that March seems like we went to sleep. We did mail the request for a pattern or practice investigation of the Fresno [...] Continue Reading