Arts & Culture

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Meeting Energizes Peace Community

On the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the New York World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the peace movement in our politically conservative San Joaquin Valley got a big boost. One hundred [...] Continue Reading

Zen Women and Social Action for Peace

For an interesting slant on nonviolent social engagement, I recommend studying the historical example of Buddhist women. The 2,300-year history of Buddhist women, back to the time of the Buddha, [...] Continue Reading

The ACLU Goes Back to School

The Golden Westside Planning Committee and others in southwest Fresno asked the Fresno Area American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Board to support community efforts to build a new neighborhood middle [...] Continue Reading

Fresno LGBTQ Community under Siege?

While blogging, former Fresno City Council member Brian Calhoun recently commended fellow Fresnans for their tolerance and not reacting negatively to the Islamic Cultural Center in northeast Fresno [...] Continue Reading

Q&A: In Conversation with Abby Dees

Q&A: In Conversation with Abby Dees, Author of Queer Questions, Straight Answers: 108 Frank and Provocative Questions It’s OK to Ask Your Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual Loved One I’d been planning to [...] Continue Reading

Fresno’s West Side Story

Members of Southwest Fresno H.E.A.T. are raising concerns about high-density development, the displacement of longtime residents and the misallocation of funding that was intended to improve their [...] Continue Reading

Fresno Filmmaking Guerrilla-Style

If you’re a local filmmaker and thought it safe to make a film without the City of Fresno’s official approval––even on private property with the owner’s permission––think again. At least that’s what [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

Last month, president Barack Obama and the corporate media cheerfully announced the end of the war in Iraq. The progressive and antiwar movement rejects this declaration and has concerns about the [...] Continue Reading