Arts & Culture

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CREDO: Meet Georgia Linscheid

Georgia Linscheid describes herself as a “thoroughbred Mennonite,” with ancestors from the Old Country who became pioneer farmers in the U.S. Midwest. She grew up in a Mennonite community in Ohio, on [...] Continue Reading

Poetry Corner

Edited by Richard Stone Richard Iyall has given us another powerful poem concerning his Native American ancestry. While repeaters are welcome, I give priority to newcomers—anyone out there? (I do [...] Continue Reading

Hungarian Red Mud Alumina Flood

Shortly after noon on October 4, a toxic waste reservoir at the Ajka Timföldgyár alumina plant in western Hungary collapsed, releasing a “red river from hell”—a 3- to 7- foot-high tsunami of about a [...] Continue Reading

Video Remix Festival in January

“Oil and War” will be the theme of a first-of-its-kind Critical Remix Festival. The festival and gallery opening will take place January 6, 2011, at 5 p.m. at Gallery 25 (660 Van Ness Ave.) in [...] Continue Reading

From the Communications Side

There are foreboding winds stirring in the electronic media world: A virtual battle of titans approaches as the major telecommunications, data and video providers determine the future flow and [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

  Support Real Peace for Palestinians   Israel’s attempt to end the so-called moratorium on settlement building in Palestine seen as “unprecedented” by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton [...] Continue Reading