Arts & Culture

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Murder Park: It’s a Real Place

By Simone Whalen-Rhodes The sun blinds me as I jump on the 180 West heading to Murder Park’s evening practice. The freeway slowly melts away into Whites Bridge Road, passing orchards and small plots [...] Continue Reading

Women, Power, Love, Death and Psycho

By Alfonso C. Hernandez Why do you live in the South San Joaquin Valley? Friends ask me intermittently over the years because they know that all forms of art are essential for me. One or two of the [...] Continue Reading

Why They Still Suffer

By Leonard Adame I didn’t like the statues, which to me were real people frozen forever. I wanted to know why they were in pain and crumpled, always looking down at me, the blame in their eyes making [...] Continue Reading

The Crockford Files – March 2013

By John Crockford Maps Apple endured some recent bad press over its mapping software problems, so I thought we would go over some map stuff this month. OpenStreetMap ( is a [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – February 2013

Thanks, Fresno, for a Real Christmas Miracle [The] Inmate Family Council and collaborating churches knew it was time to get the Goodie Bags ready for the ladies in Chowchilla Prison. The warden told [...] Continue Reading

Coming Out, the Choice Is Yours

By Kaylia M. Metcalfe The LGBT community is made up of men, women, individuals who don’t identify as either, tall people, short people, liberals, conservatives, gun-wielding rednecks and Ivy League [...] Continue Reading

Progressive Voice!

By Yezdyar S. Kaoosji “Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, it’s unlikely you will step up and take responsibility for making [...] Continue Reading

The Crockford Files – February 2013

Petitioning the President The White House has a Web site called “We the People” that “provides a new way to petition the Obama administration to take action on a range of important issues facing our [...] Continue Reading