There are some wild accusations coming out of the Madera County Board of Supervisors District 5 race. In a mailer, candidate Mark Reed accused his opponents’ supporters of being witches and warlocks. [...] Continue Reading
Ticking Bomb in Bakersfield: Abandoned Oil Wells
Imagine that someone knocks at your door and tells you that in a lot next to your home there are abandoned oil wells leaking massive amounts of methane that could be explosive. Or even worse, that [...] Continue Reading
March for Our Lives
More than 100 people came out on a hot Fresno day to protest recent gun violence incidents and call for legislation to reduce access to the weapons used in mass shootings. Chanting “not one more” the [...] Continue Reading
Is It Time to End Abortion, or Is It Time to Abort the Supreme Court?
One definition of abortion, as defined by the Oxford dictionary, is to “end or cause something to end before it has been completed, especially because it is likely to fail.” Teenage girls who [...] Continue Reading
Bill McKibben Speech in Fresno
This is an (.mp3) audio file of the Fresno Center for Nonviolence 30th Anniversary held on June 11, 2022 at the Unitarian Universalist Church. Guest Speaker: Bill McKibben. [...] Continue Reading
March for Our Lives
Over 100 people came out on a hot Fresno day to protest recent gun violence incidents and call for legislation to reduce access to the weapons used in these mass shootings. Chanting “not one [...] Continue Reading
Madera Candidate Denounces Witches
Mark Reed, who is a candidate for Eastern Madera’s 5th District supervisor, mailed thousands of mailers with inflammatory language, explicitly naming 5 local women, including their first and last [...] Continue Reading
The June Community Alliance is now online
The June 2022 Community Alliance newspaper is being printed today and will be mailed to subscribers this afternoon. You can see the online version here: [...] Continue Reading
Women’s Fight for Rights, Dignity
Almost 50 years ago, the Supreme Court ruled that women had the fundamental right of choice when it came to having an abortion. Abortions were not always illegal; in fact, the first state to impose a [...] Continue Reading
Fresno Starbucks Store to Unionize
On May 12, Starbucks workers and their supporters conducted a brief rally in front of the store at Marks and Herndon avenues explaining their desire to unionize. That day, workers announced their [...] Continue Reading
Endless War and an End to Your Civil Liberties
While the war in Ukraine rages on and U.S. foreign policy might provoke World War III, most Americans seem oblivious to a clear and present danger—the end of all life on the planet. Nuclear [...] Continue Reading
International Workers Day Celebrated in Fresno
May Day was celebrated in downtown Fresno on May 1. The theme was immigration reform, and about 300 people enjoyed the march, music and camaraderie with family and fellow workers. International [...] Continue Reading