By Veena Kapoor
“To survive and thrive in this turbulent world, we need peace and power, that comes from deep inner contentment. The foundation of inner peace and inner power is spiritual awareness of the self, which is both a journey and the destination.” —BK Shivani
The spiritual discourse by Sister Shivani on “Awakening the Greatness Within Us” is an opportunity to engage in deeper understanding of the self. Sister Shivani’s simple and practical approach to get us in touch with our authentic selves makes this inner journey inviting and enlightening.
Millions of people around the world are taking advantage of her classes, talk shows and meditations. Sister Shivani will speak at the Clovis Hill Community Church, 10590 N. Willow Ave. in Clovis on June 6 at 6 p.m.
The event is free, but registration is required. Register at awakening.brahmakumaris.us/fresno. For more information, call 559-435-2212.
This event also marks the celebration of 40 years of service in the United States by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. The organization is part of a worldwide network of learning centers with more than a million members.
The organization is dedicated to individual, societal and world transformation through the study and practice of Raja Yoga Meditation. At the heart of the teachings is the belief that we first realize the peace within us and embrace our original nature of living in peace, love and harmony by connecting with the One Source, which provides meaning and purpose to our identity.
Learn more about Brahma Kumaris at www.brahmakumaris.us, www.brahmakumaris.ca and www.youtube.com/bkshivani.
Veena Kapoor, MSW, Ed.D., practices Raja Yoga Meditation