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  • Mike Rhodes

    Mike Rhodes is the executive director of the Community Alliance, was the editor of this newspaper from 1998 to 2014 and the author of several books. Contact him at

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Progressive News Briefs

Fresno Police Violate Federal Court Order Protecting the Homeless In January of this year, the City of Fresno violated the settlement agreement protecting homeless people from having their property [...] Continue Reading

Fresno’s West Side Story

Members of Southwest Fresno H.E.A.T. are raising concerns about high-density development, the displacement of longtime residents and the misallocation of funding that was intended to improve their [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

Last month, president Barack Obama and the corporate media cheerfully announced the end of the war in Iraq. The progressive and antiwar movement rejects this declaration and has concerns about the [...] Continue Reading

Progressive News Briefs

City Gives Homeless the Bum’s Rush The City of Fresno is able to create the illusion, through its capable public relations team, that it is working hard to end homelessness. It has even convinced [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

There are some newsstands in Fresno where we distribute 100 Community Alliance newspapers a week. Our best distribution locations are in the less affluent neighborhoods in Fresno. In fact, the further [...] Continue Reading

Joaquin Cuesta Castro

Editor's note: The Community Alliance newspaper covers the passing of people who have touched the lives of members in the Central Valley progressive community. Joaquin Castro will be missed by us [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

The Community Alliance newspaper has been at the forefront of defending homeless people's rights and exposing the City of Fresno's harsh and callous policies regarding the homeless. Our documentation [...] Continue Reading

Peace Community Dinner

This June, after 104 months of combat, Afghanistan passed Vietnam as America's longest war! For those of us who seek a just foreign policy and a world in which every child and every person can [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

Last month (May), this newspaper received the "Way of Peace" award from the Fresno Center for Nonviolence. J.D. McCubbin introduced me to the overflow crowd at Margaret Hudson's barn, and I accepted [...] Continue Reading

Stop Hate Radio

Citizens for Civility and Accountability in Media, a community group in Fresno, is calling on radio station KMJ to alter its talk radio format to allow for a wider range of opinions on the air. The [...] Continue Reading