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What Did They Say About Palestine?

Nelson Mandela I have come to join you today to add our own voice to the universal call for Palestinian self-determination and statehood. We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without [...] Continue Reading

Cuba: Saving the Culture

Fidel Castro said, “Lo primero que hay que salvar es la cultura (The first thing to save is culture).” He was speaking at the beginning of the Special Period, the time when Cuba lost more than 80% of [...] Continue Reading

Cuba: Salvando la Cultura

POR LENI VILLAGOMEZ REEVES “Lo primero que hay que salvar es la cultura”, dijo Fidel, al comienzo del Período Especial, cuando, con la caída del bloque soviético, Cuba perdió más de 80% de sus [...] Continue Reading

What Happened in Santiago and Why

On March 17, in Santiago de Cuba, the nation’s second largest city, many people took to the streets and held a demonstration because of the long hours of electrical outages due to fuel shortages and [...] Continue Reading

Reclaiming the Revolutionary MLK

Was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Chaplain to the Empire or Prophet of the Resistance? His own actions and words make clear his revolutionary prophetic vision, and resist all attempts to make him safe, [...] Continue Reading

Khalida Jarrar

Statistics are important. We can know the official count of the dead and realize that this represents only those who have been identified and that many more bodies remain, killed but unidentified and [...] Continue Reading

Justice in Honduras?

Berta Cáceres was killed on March 3, 2016, one day before what would have been her 45th birthday. Cáceres was an Indigenous Lenca woman in Honduras who co-founded the COPINH—Consejo Cívico de [...] Continue Reading

Only Some Lives Matter

All colonial nations have acted with the clear assumption that some people—white Europeans and their descendants—are people and that all others are human-shaped animals who can be used or disposed of [...] Continue Reading