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Only Some Lives Matter

All colonial nations have acted with the clear assumption that some people—white Europeans and their descendants—are people and that all others are human-shaped animals who can be used or disposed of [...] Continue Reading

“First They Came…” Again

We are again in a period of racist ultranationalism and right-wing extremism. It’s not the first one. We can choose to defend those who are under attack now. Or we can wait until the attackers come [...] Continue Reading

All Guantanamo Belongs to Cuba

The name Guantanamo brings up only one image for most people in the United States—the U.S. “military prison/detention center” torture facility within the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay. It is still [...] Continue Reading

The War on Culture, the War on Cuba

As almost everyone knows, for more than 60 years the United States has maintained a blockade of Cuba that encompasses financial, economic and trade transactions. It’s not simply an “embargo” because [...] Continue Reading

Happy 94th Birthday, Sam Nujoma!

On May 13, the president of Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, sent congratulations to Sam Nujoma on his 94th birthday. Sam (Samuel Daniel Shafiishuna) Nujoma is the Father of His Country, and his [...] Continue Reading

Cuba, Victim of U.S. Terrorism

During the crime spree that marked Trump’s last months in office, in between soliciting election fraud and encouraging violence and insurrection to prevent a legal transfer of power, Trump placed Cuba [...] Continue Reading