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Fascists Steal Children

As we prepare for the re-inauguration of a fascist monster, it might be good to learn more about something we already know: Fascists steal children. The first Trump regime separated children from [...] Continue Reading

Devastating Hurricane Rafael Hits Cuba

On Nov. 6 (Wednesday), Hurricane Rafael hit central Cuba, and I was there. This is a contemporary account written from Marianao, Havana, four days later, while our electricity was still out. It’s [...] Continue Reading

Mexico: Court Reform

Mexico has approved and initiated a process of court reform intended to fight corruption through participatory democracy. In Mexico, all judges will be democratically elected. It is the first country [...] Continue Reading

México: Profunda Reforma Judicial

En México todos los jueces serán electos de manera directa a través de votación popular. Será el primer país del mundo en que se decide elegir a todos los jueces de esta manera, aunque hay otros [...] Continue Reading

Nuclear-Powered Submarines in Cuba

Is it the Cuban missile crisis all over again, when you thought they were calling that school assembly to announce the end of the world? Or is it just another manifestation of U.S. exceptionalism, [...] Continue Reading