By Jessica Mast Words from a friend’s grandfather can be disheartening but somehow utterly hilarious at the same time: “What is the big deal with Earth Day? The Earth has been around for millions of [...] Continue Reading
Hanson’s Charter School – Steering Our Community into Dangerous Waters
By: Greg Gadams February 10, 2010, is a day that will live in infamy in the eyes of local educators. It was the day that Superintendent Michael Hanson and the Board of the Fresno Unified School [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
By: Mike Rhodes Progressive Fresno activists are working for social change on many fronts. In these pages, you will see the Community Alliance newspaper reporting on these struggles, celebrating the [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
[Editor's note: Following are letters we received from prisoners in March. We provide every prisoner who requests one a free subscription to the Community Alliance newspaper. In a recent letter, we [...] Continue Reading
Progressive News Briefs
A Walk Through Fresno's Downtown Homeless Encampments By: Mike Rhodes I took a journalist from the Bay Area on a walking tour of the homeless encampments. I have to admit that it has been a couple of [...] Continue Reading
Grown Men Don’t Cry, Do They?
By: Maria Telesco Grown men don't cry, especially in prison, where it might be interpreted as a sign of weakness. At least that's what some say. People also say that prisoners who commit violent [...] Continue Reading
Grassroots Profile
By: Richard Stone Kamal Abu-Shamsieh is the current (and first) director of the Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno (ICC). With no precedents to draw on, he has been given the opportunity/challenge to [...] Continue Reading
U.S. Foreign Policy Debate: Victor Davis Hanson and Michael Parenti
By: Alan Cheah On April 17 at Fresno Pacific University, Dr. Michael Parenti will debate Dr. Victor Davis Hanson from a progressive versus conservative perspective. Michael Parenti was born of [...] Continue Reading
The American Civil Liberties Union: Working to Defend Your Rights
By: Bill Simon February was so hectic for the Fresno Area Chapter of the ACLU that March seems like we went to sleep. We did mail the request for a pattern or practice investigation of the Fresno [...] Continue Reading
Rally for Immigration Reform
By: Stan Santos On May 1, 2006, I stood on a corner near downtown Fresno and looked east. I was suddenly moved to tears by the sight of a river of humanity flowing down Ventura, formerly Cesar Chavez [...] Continue Reading
Queer Eye
The Coming Out of Senator Ashburn By: Dan Waterhouse Bakersfield state senator Roy Ashburn, who has a deplorable voting record on queer issues, thought he could keep his public life public and his [...] Continue Reading
New Times Coming
By: Moises Lucas Sierra The March 4th Day of Action was a collective of students, faculty, staff and concerned citizens. The objective of the demonstrations was to highlight awareness of the state's [...] Continue Reading