It has been more than two months since homeless encampments in the City of Merced were forcibly closed and the “No Camping Ordinance” strictly enforced. Homeless people have been scattered throughout [...] Continue Reading
Dream Act Event Held in Merced
On December 10, the California Central Valley Journey for Justice hosted an event to celebrate the 62nd Anniversary of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNUDHR). The event was held in [...] Continue Reading
Rainbow Delegation
A new “out, loud and proud” movement has begun in the Central Valley to assist in combating the feelings of isolation and fear so common among the LGBTQ youth. The not-for-profit Rainbow Delegation [...] Continue Reading
Homeless No More
(As told at the Human Rights Day event held in front of Fresno City Hall on December 9, 2010) I didn’t exactly come from a warm and loving family, as much as I hoped for one. I left home at 18 years [...] Continue Reading
Human Rights Day at City Hall
A hundred or so people participated in the action at City Hall on the eve of Human Rights Day in support of city aid for three requests by advocates for the homeless people of Fresno. The overnight [...] Continue Reading
Staying Busy Inside
Recently, a friend (on the outside) asked how someone in prison keeps from “going crazy” after spending a significant amount of time behind bars. “What do you do to help pass the time?” he asked. That [...] Continue Reading
Maria Telesco Spends a Lot of Time in Prison These Days
Dear Everybody: I heard through the grapevine that someone mistakenly thought I was incarcerated and wanted to do something to help me get out. When I learned of this, I did not take offense. [...] Continue Reading
Edited by Richard Stone This month’s poem is written by JON WELSH, a friend of Alfonso C. Hernandez who is in turn a friend of The Alliance affiliated with the Porterville Unitarian Universalist [...] Continue Reading
Progressive Religion…Is Not an Oxymoron
Living in an America I No Longer Recognize I have been feeling for some time that I am living in an increasingly unfamiliar nation. It has reached the point that some days I look in the mirror in my [...] Continue Reading
Opinion and Analysis from the Grassroots
Agent of Change or of the Government?? By Ernesto Saavedra “Mr. Moderator, Brother Lomax, brothers and sisters, friends and enemies: I just can’t believe everyone in here is a friend, and I don’t [...] Continue Reading
What the *%&@ Is Going on at KPFA?
Pacifica Removes Morning Show, Fires Hosts Talking about KPFA is a little like asking someone, “So, what’s up in the Balkans and why are these people fighting?”—Conn Hallinan What if you turned on [...] Continue Reading
2010: The Massacre
The national narrative for the 2010 election is that President Barack Obama pushed his “left” agenda too aggressively and the people rebelled. Who makes up this stuff? Far from governing from the [...] Continue Reading