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“Queer Eye…”:

Don’t Privatize the Public Defender’s Office As the county budget continued to melt down and the Board of Supervisors voted to place a charter amendment on the June ballot to make privatizing Fresno [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

Expect some changes in the Community Alliance newspaper over the next couple of months. There are several events that are pushing these changes, which we hope will improve the paper and get it into [...] Continue Reading

Progressive News Briefs

Mayor’s Privatization Scheme Defeated Fresno’s commercial solid waste workers won an important victory when City Council members voted 4-3 to stop a privatization effort led by Mayor Ashley [...] Continue Reading

Targeted Again!

A few years ago, I wrote an article about a “shake-down” (search) that took place at Solano State Prison (CSP-Solano) in Vacaville. During that search, some of the guards desecrated prisoners’ [...] Continue Reading