ISJC Mission Statement: To network and collaborate as we work to serve and promote systemic change for the common good; to educate and inspire one another to positive actions; to model interfaith [...] Continue Reading
Opinion and Analysis from the Grassroots
Full Scale Assault on the Environment By Connie Peterson Imagine my sense of irony and outrage when, on the same day the front page of the Fresno Bee decried the toxicity of our Valley, the [...] Continue Reading
In Memoriam
Marion Metcalf Young (April 29, 1927–March 12, 2011) Marion Young, one of the founders of the Fig Tree Gallery and a member of the local progressive community, died unexpectedly on March 12 after a [...] Continue Reading
Environmental Racism in West Fresno
For decades, West Fresno residents have endured health and safety hazards created by corporate giant Darling International Inc.’s meat rendering plant. Though sited within yards of West Fresno [...] Continue Reading
National Day of Action “We Are One” March
On April 4, more than 350 Fresno residents, union members and supporters marched to express their opposition to attacks on basic rights such as those occurring in Wisconsin and several other states. [...] Continue Reading
Bank of America: Your Taxes Are Due!
About 100 protestors on Shaw Avenue (across from Fashion Fair) held signs, sang and demanded that Bank of America pay its taxes. Protesters said Bank of America is the largest bank and the fifth [...] Continue Reading
La esperanza del trabajador agrícola: El acto de soñar
Es patético mirar como el partido republicano está usando a los trabajadores agrícolas del área de Mendota para promover su agenda política. Los republicanos argumentan que la escasez de trabajo se [...] Continue Reading
Después de la derrota que sufrió el Acta del Sueño (Dream Act) a finales de 2010, pareciera ver que el asunto de inmigración se regresó al final de la lista de prioridades para el Gobierno Federal, lo [...] Continue Reading
Earth Day 2011
In her official proclamation, Mayor Ashley Swearingen cited the following reasons for declaring April 22, 2011, Earth Day in the City of Fresno: • Earth Day, begun as an annual event on April [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
The Community Alliance newspaper is expanding―printing more pages in color and adding a Spanish-language page―and going through some significant design changes. Over the last three months, we have [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
God’s Minister of Justice: Jerry Dyer Why am I not surprised that Fresno’s governing police department is commanded by a believer and slave to Christian superstition? This [Police] Chief calls [...] Continue Reading
Progressive News Briefs
Fresno Police Chief Accused of Racism A lawsuit, filed in Fresno Superior Court in February, says that Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer’s ringtone for Cynthia Sterling, an African-American former City [...] Continue Reading