By Bill Simon It’s the time of year for the Fresno Area Chapter ACLU-NC to celebrate. We are beginning our fifth year as a chapter. On September 12 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m., we will begin our [...] Continue Reading
SunMt after George Elfie Ballis: Remembering George on the Anniversary of His Passing
By Maia Ballis (Editor’s note: The Community Alliance asked Maia Ballis for an update on the work at SunMt that she and Elfie carried on as a team for so long.) George Elfie Ballis and his video [...] Continue Reading
National Move to Amend Spokesperson to Appear in Fresno
The recent U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. FEC opened the floodgates to unlimited corporate spending on elections. David Cobb, an attorney and organizer for the Move to Amend [...] Continue Reading
Why Washington, D.C., in October 2011?
By Camille Russell Because our “leaders” in the nation’s capital don’t understand that “We the People” won’t continue to accept the destruction of our democracy and society, we will be in Washington, [...] Continue Reading
9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out
We Are Change Fresno is organizing a presentation of 9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out. This informative and newly released film was prepared by a nonprofit association of architects and [...] Continue Reading
Democrats to Honor Community Leaders
By Michael D. Evans The Fresno County Democratic Party will recognize longtime community leaders and loyal Democrats Venancio Gaona, Randy Ghan, Les Kimber and Patsy Montgomery at a September 16 [...] Continue Reading
Save the Date: Candidate Training in October
The Fresno Madera Tulare Kings Central Labor Council and the Fresno County Democratic Central Committee will host their second annual Candidate Training on Saturday, October 15. This training is [...] Continue Reading
A Welcomed Visitor
By Boston Woodard An event that prisoners look forward to in many penitentiaries is a visit from special guest speakers who volunteer to offer advice, guidance, assistance and encouragement. Guest [...] Continue Reading
Is Independent Police Review Legally Viable in Fresno?
By Dan Waterhouse Ellie Bluestein argues in the August Community Alliance that Fresno “needs an independent evaluator/investigator who can oversee police practices and procedures, respond to [...] Continue Reading
Poetry Corner: Fresno Street Subway (Underpass)
Edited by Richard Stone Stephen Barile, a past contributor to the Poetry Corner, is a Fresno native who teaches writing. He lives near downtown. Here, he gives a bit of Fresno history with some [...] Continue Reading
Joaquin Murrieta
By Paul Gilmore I was so tired of the heat the other day that I decided to duck into a bar to cool off. To my surprise, Billy Ashland, Medford (Med) Boorman and Frank Maddox were already there; they [...] Continue Reading
Homeless in Cuba? Not Likely
By Gerry Bill Cuba is a poor country by most measures. Yet that statement is, in a way, very misleading. Poor though they are, the Cuban people don’t suffer a lot of the same deprivations found in [...] Continue Reading