By Maria Telesco The long-awaited, updated, revised and redacted edition of A Taxpayer’s Guide to the California Death Penalty is so fresh from the printer the ink is barely dry. It’s authored by [...] Continue Reading
Poetry Corner: The Question
Edited by Richard Stone Visalia’s Uncle Bill does it again with a really fine mind-twisting poem definitely needed in the wake of the 10-year commemoration of 9/11 used as another opportunity for [...] Continue Reading
Love Is Our License: The 22nd Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba
By Leni V. Reeves We were about 100 people, mostly from Canada and the United States, later to be joined by about a dozen Mexican companeros, in 12 buses, traveling routes throughout Canada and the [...] Continue Reading
9/11: Black Op by Rogue Network within the Military/Industrial Complex
By Carl Bosco When John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, it was immediately evident that several shooters had done the job, not just Lee Harvey Oswald and his cheap rifle with the twisted sight. [...] Continue Reading
Dollars and Cents Sense
By Ruth Gadebusch How did we become a society of dollars for one segment and mere cents for the larger? When did we turn our priorities topsy-turvy? Making it worse, the dollars are going to the [...] Continue Reading
Cristobal, el terroriista
By Leonard Adame My grandfather Trinidad and his family came to the United States in 1928 or so. He wanted nothing to do with the Mexican Revolution. So he packed up his two cars used as taxis in [...] Continue Reading
Without Police Accountability There Is No Justice
By Mike Rhodes Carrie Gonzales wants to know why her husband Victor, who she says was on the ground with his hands over his head, was viciously attacked by a police dog this summer. She is angry that [...] Continue Reading
Perdition Road
By Lloyd G. Carter Editor’s note: This is part one of a two-part series. Part two will run next month. North Fork—Madera County’s most fire-vulnerable mountain subdivision—has gotten a lot more [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
You might have noticed that this issue of the Community Alliance newspaper is a little thinner than normal. Instead of the 24 pages that we normally run, this issue has only 20. We have also cut our [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor – September 2011
Fresno Nuclear Power Plant Seems Unlikely Here is an update to the coverage of the Fresno nuke proposal by Vic Bedoian in last month’s Community Alliance. On July 26, the California Energy [...] Continue Reading
“Governor Supercuts” for President?
By Jim Hightower - Republished with permission GOP-land is all a twitter now that Texas Governor Rick Perry has announced that he’s ready to ascend to the White House. His candidacy was actually [...] Continue Reading
Clearing the Air
By Kevin Hall Editor’s note: Long-time readers will remember Kevin Hall’s column that ran regularly in the Community Alliance for several years as he fought pollution in the San Joaquin Valley as a [...] Continue Reading