By Yezdyar S. Kaoosji
As progressives, we should lead and not resort to compromising our principles. The strength of our convictions rather than political expediency should drive our ballot decisions.
Thanks to several suggestions to add and fine-tune the issues, I have updated the Presidential Candidate Assessment Grid published last month in the Community Alliance. It is an easy-to-use tool that can help to compare the campaign positions, historical record and consistency of actions demonstrated by all Presidential candidates on selected socioeconomic issues.
How to Use the Candidate Assessment Grid
Fifteen major progressive issues have been identified below. You can use all the issues, select a few or add issues you care about strongly if they are not covered on the grid. It will be most useful if you adapt it to your use, either in groups or as individuals.
Grid Numerical Scoring Values:
0 = Opposed to or has never demonstrated support for this issue.
1 = Supports issue today but has opposed it in past (flip/flop).
2 = Favors issue to mirror views of an opponent (me too!) or is supporting the issue to get votes (expediency).
3 = Always an advocate of the issue; active supporter with a favorable record of legislative and executive action (credible).
Yezdyar Kaoosji is a progressive activist. He writes a regular column, “Progressive Voice,” for the Community Alliance. Contact him at yezdyk@comcast.net.