Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

4th Thursday of each month. April 22, 7p.m. Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 North Van Ness. Open to all members. Please join us.

Wednesday, April 28, 3 p.m. Jean Hays does great interviews on subjects involving WILPF interests and activities. Fourth Wednesday of each month. Let Jean know if
you have ideas for a program.

April 7, noon-1 p.m. Fresno County Courthouse. Wear black, bring a sign (not required), stand in silence for peace. First Wednesday of every month.

April 2Ā  4:30-6 p.m. Blackstone and Shaw. Signs furnished or bring your own. FirstĀ  Friday of every month.

Meetings April 5 and 19, 7pm Village Gardens Recreation Center: 5350 Colonial Ave, Fresno.Ā  contact Marilyn Byrne 559 301-6676

Wednesday, April 14, 6:30 – 9 p.m.

Ismail Kharoub, a Palestinian citizen of Israel, and Ofra Yeshua-Lyth, a Jewish Israeli, will present ā€œCosts of War on Israeli Society,ā€ The speakers will offer two distinct and often overlooked voices in public discussion of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Public discussion in the United States often focuses on IsraelĀ¹s security and perceived threats from the Palestinians and surrounding Arab nations or the continuing humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip and military occupation of the West Bank. These speakers will address the heavy toll exacted on Israel as a nation and on both Jewish and Palestinian Israelis, by the state of continuing war and the failure to achieve a political resolution to the conflict.

This event is part of a tour being organized by the Israeli feminist anti-war group New Profile, the national Refuser Solidarity Network, and the Resource Center for Nonviolence of Santa Cruz. Admission is by donation (suggested $5-$15) and all funds will be given to support the tour and the group New Profile. Location: The College Community Congregational Church, 5550 N. Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93710. The event in Fresno is being sponsored by the Fresno Center for Nonviolence, Peace Fresno and WILPF (Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom). For more information call the Fresno Center for Nonviolence at 237-3223.

Thursday, April 15, Tax Day.
Leafletting at the Post Office on Griffith, West of Blackstone. To let people know where our taxes go and where they ought to go. Please volunteer for a couple of hours. It’s quite rewarding to hear the comments of people. Call Sarah (790-8009) or Tosha (367-8892) to volunteer time.

April 28
Jane Addamsā€™ birthday. Let’s have a celebration. Maybe at the Jane Addams sculpture in the peace garden. Anyone have ideas?

Corporate Power or People Power?
The few remaining long-standing limitations on corporate power in this country have been stripped away by the recent Supreme Court decision Citizens United. Government as we know it will be up for the highest bidder.

Corporations have been handed a megaphone, while we the people are forced to whisper.

We donā€™t intend to be quiet about this threat to democracy, and neither should you.

WILPF has joined the Steering Committee of a national movement to amend the Constitution in order to reverse Corporate Personhood and establish real democracy. You can sign a petition at the www.MoveToAmend.org website. In the first few hours, over 10,000 people signed, but for this movement to be successful we need hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens.

We need you.

We also urge you to write letters to the editor.Ā  WILPF has prepared an action page where you can select one or more of your local newspapers and with a few clicks send an editable pre-written letter to the papersā€™ editors.Ā  To take advantage of this easy and convenient means of voicing your opinion and displeasure, please visit our website: www.wilpf.org.

You can also read more about the background of this case and its ramifications, or see a suggested list of street theater and other actions you can take on WILPFā€™s Corporations v. Democracy webpage. Visit our website: www.wilpf.org.



  • Community Alliance

    The Community Alliance is a monthly newspaper that has been published in Fresno, California, since 1996. The purpose of the newspaper is to help build a progressive movement for social and economic justice.

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