WILPF – Oct. 2012

WILPF – Oct. 2012


Thursday Oct 11 7PM, at Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N Van Ness. This meeting is open to all members.


Oct 3, first Wednesday of each month at noon at Fresno County Courthouse; come on the month in which your birthday falls! Wear black, bring a sign if you wish, and stand in silence for peace.)


Oct 24  3PM (4th Wednesday of each month) Jean Hays does outstanding interviews on subjects involving WILPF interests and activities. Let Jean know if you have ideas for a program. Listen!

Also on KFCF 88.1: WILPF member Dr Jean Kennedy, Keeping It Real 8PM every Tuesday


Meetings on selected Mondays at 7PM. Call Ellie at 229-9807 for details.

Raging Grannies Alert

The Grannies have been making their/our voices heard. They sang their public comment at the Fresno Board of Supervisors meeting which resulted in an amazing vote against mining Jesse Morrow Mountain.

They also provided birthday music for Jane Addams, WILPF co-founder, at the September 6 celebration at the CSUF Peace Garden. Dr Kapoor paid tribute to Jane Addams as peacemaker; some of her achievements included the Nobel Peace Prize, founding member of NAACP, ACLU activist, suffrage worker, social worker, and garbage inspector.

And, speaking of Jane Addams…

The Jane Addams Peace Association, the educational arm of WILPF, presents annual awards to the best children’s books that promote the causes of peace, social justice, world community, and the equality of the sexes and all races. The ceremony will be October 19. Fresno WILPF purchases sets of the award books and presents them to local libraries. Check www.janeaddamspeace.org – don’t your grandchildren need a set too?

Over Troubled Waters    October 4   7PM     free         

Fresno WILPF, in collaboration with Restore the Delta, Revive the San Joaquin, the Sustainable Action Club of Fresno City College and the Tehipite Chapter of the Sierra Club., will sponsor the showing of a new documentary, Over Troubled Waters, October 4, 7 PM in the auditorium of the Old Administration building at Fresno City College.  If the proposed peripheral tunnels carrying irrigation water around the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta are built, at a cost to the taxpayer of about 30 billion dollars, the Delta, the largest estuary on the west coast of the Americas, will be devastated. The film, narrated by Ed Begley, Jr., tells of the battle the people of the Delta are fighting to protect the region they love and to encourage saner water policies for all the people of California. The film also reveals the powerful forces arrayed against the Delta and the history of promises broken by the government. Over Troubled Waters shows that there are common-sense, affordable solutions that can lead to true water security for California in the 21st century.   Get your free ticket from a member of Fresno WILPF’s Earth Democracy Team (Ann Carruthers, Jean Hays, Ellie Bluestein or Joan Poss), or go to www.restorethedelta.org and register. For more information call 559-439-0280 or 209-475-9550.

WILPF launches new website

The long-awaited re-design of WILPF’s website is here. Check www.wilpfus.org – the lead article right now is about Jesse Morrow Mountain and there’s a wonderful “front page” picture of the Grannies singing public comment to the Fresno County Board of Supervisors in no uncertain terms!

au revoir

We say goodbye for now but not forever to two WILPF members who have left the area during the past month. Gloria McAfee has moved to Merced; we said goodbye to her at a luncheon for her just before she moved. Ingrid Carmean has joined the Peace Corp and will be working in Peru during the next several years. A potluck dinner for her was held at Nancy Waidtlow’s home.


Alexandra Williams and Rosalyn Funes, students at Fresno State in the School of Social Work, are the new WILPF interns for this school year.

Fresno WILPF endorses Vivir Seguros

Fresno WILPF branch has voted to become an endorser and supporter of the Pan Valley Institute/ACLU Safety Matters/Vivir Seguros Campaign. This is a local immigrant rights public safety campaign in the Central Valley.

This year’s officers

The executive committee consists of:

  •  Steering committee: Mary Perich & Patty Bennett
  •   Treasurer: Meta Schlettler
  •   Secretary: Ann Carruthers
  •   Membership Chairperson: Nora DeWitt

We are looking for another person to serve on the Steering committee. Can you volunteer?

Events this month

  • Intermountain Peace & Harvest Festival: October 13 & 14. Intermountain Nursery, Highway 168 just east of Prather. Music, food, crafts, fun, trees, and good people. WILPF booth and KFCF booth, among others. See announcement elsewhere in this issue.
  • Take Back the Night: Wednesday October 17, Fresno State. Call Women’s Resource Center at 278-4435 for details.
  • Gandhi’s 143 Birthday Celebration: Saturday October 6, 9:30-11:30am in Peace Garden, Fresno State. Raging Grannies will sing!
  • WILPFer Meta Schettler at Fresno State will be on the panel for the conference – Discussing Race in the Presidential Election: Racism, Electoral Politics, and President Barack Obama.Wednesday October 17 from 6 to 8 PM,PB 191 in the Peters Business Center at Fresno State. Co-sponsored by the African Studies Program and Africana Studies Student Association




  • Community Alliance

    The Community Alliance is a monthly newspaper that has been published in Fresno, California, since 1996. The purpose of the newspaper is to help build a progressive movement for social and economic justice.

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