By Camille Russell
Because our “leaders” in the nation’s capital don’t understand that “We the People” won’t continue to accept the destruction of our democracy and society, we will be in Washington, D.C., to say “Stop the Machine.”
October marks 10 years of war in Afghanistan, but the October 2011 action is much more than an antiwar protest. We will tell the U.S. Congress and President Barack Obama that “We the People” are hurting and will not allow the rich and powerful to continue to attack us, our brothers and sisters in other lands, or the planet. We will demonstrate that the real power always rests with the people.
The organization for the October 2011 action is well under way (visit www.october2011.org). It is scheduled to begin on October 6.
I have reserved two rooms, each of which will sleep five people, for eight days at the Hotel Harrington, which is only a few blocks from Freedom Plaza, the site of the action. The cost per person is $345. At the time of this writing, a round-trip plane ticket is available for less than $400 from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C. We are counting on financial support from those who can’t go but understand the value of this action.
Join one or more of the four local demonstrations organized by Peace Fresno in solidarity with the Washington, D.C., action:
- Day One, Thursday, October 6, 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m., Federal Building, 2500 Tulare St. (at O St.).
- Day Two, Friday, October 7, 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m., Federal Building, 2500 Tulare St. (at O St.).
- Day Three, Saturday, October 8, 1 p.m.–2 p.m., River Park Shopping, North Blackstone and El Paso avenues
- Day Four, Sunday, October 9, 1 p.m.–2 p.m., River Park Shopping, North Blackstone and El Paso avenues.
To join the Central California contingent in Washington, D.C., or to make a donation to help others go, contact 559-256-2592 or camille.russell@att.net.
Camille Russell is a retired teacher, the current president of Peace Fresno and a member of the Fresno County Democratic Central Committee.