The pandemic affecting our society is serious and already has taken the lives of more than 100,000 people worldwide. It draws attention to how some governments reacted to the pandemic by protecting their citizens, whereas others exposed their citizens to contamination and possible death.

In the United States, President Donald Trump offers a daily press conference to inform about the Covid-19 spread and the measures his administration is taking to control it. At these briefings, chaos predominates along with insults from the President to journalists, as well as a lack of experts. It sometimes appears more like the Trump election campaign than an information session.
The decisions taken by the federal government in regard to the pandemic have been tardy and limited. Even worse, Trump wants to end the “stay-in-place” and the social distance policies to return the country to “normal” in order to reactivate the economy. This is dangerous and could increase dramatically the spread of the coronavirus.
Meanwhile, in California, the government took precautions on time and the spread of the virus and the death toll haven’t been so high.
Due to the pandemic and to comply with the “stay-in-place” and social distance requirements, the Community Alliance didn’t print the newspaper in April and will not in May either. Instead, we are dedicating our efforts and resources to improving our Web site where we offer the same articles people traditionally read in our printed edition. When the situation returns to “normal” we’ll resume printing our paper.
We invite our readership to visit us at https://fresnoalliance.com to read our articles and comment on them. You can also follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CommunityAllianceNewspaper.
In this edition, we bring you articles on several diverse topics: the impact of Covid-19 in the Black community; a DACA recipient talks about the pandemic and how it is affecting a family of undocumented workers; a look back in time when in Fresno erupted the opposition to the Vietnam War; we visited a private zoo close to Fresno where more than 30 exotic cats live; and our growing Spanish section offers interesting articles.
This effort requires lots of dedication from the Community Alliance team and, of course, resources. Because of this, we are asking our readers to support us by donating or subscribing, and by reading and commenting on our articles. The newspaper industry overall is in a deep crisis due to the dramatic drop in advertising revenues. But with your support, we will be able to keep the Community Alliance moving forward.
Please mark your calendars and be part of our fund-raising event on June 28.
A society with a free and committed journalism is a democratic one.
Thank you for your support.