War & Peace

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Revolution, A Love Story

By Beverly Fitzpatrick Revolution, A Love Story is the title of Cindy Sheehan’s new book. This book is about her interviews with Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela. Sheehan brings the message home [...] Continue Reading

WILPF – September 2012

WILPF BUSINESS MEETING Thursday Sept 13 7PM, at Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N Van Ness. This meeting is open to all members. WOMEN IN BLACK September 5, first Wednesday of each month at noon [...] Continue Reading

Occupy Fresno Perseveres

By Jesse Franz On Nov. 14, after a week of nightly arrests by sheriff’s deputies, Occupy Fresno, a group that has continuously encamped at Courthouse Park since Oct. 15, filed a lawsuit in federal [...] Continue Reading

Listening to the Ghosts of Fresno

By Paul Gilmore “Every city is full of ghosts, and learning to see some of them is one of the arts of becoming a true local.”—Rebecca Solnit Why in the last couple of months have thousands of people [...] Continue Reading

Occupy America

By Michael Parenti (Editor’s note: Reprinted with permission of the author.) Beginning with Occupy Wall Street in September 2011, a protest movement spread across the United States to 70 major [...] Continue Reading

The Occupy Movement Comes to Fresno

By Jesse Franz Since its beginning on Sept. 17, the Occupy Wall Street movement has spread to more than 100 cities around the country, from New York to California and Seattle to Miami. On Oct. 9, [...] Continue Reading

Peace Fresno Activists in D.C.

By Bev Fitzpatrick, Ed Castro, Nancy Waidtlow and Camille Russell Following 10 years of the immoral, unnecessary war on Afghanistan, four Peace Fresno members went to Washington, D.C., for [...] Continue Reading

Why Washington, D.C., in October 2011?

By Camille Russell Because our “leaders” in the nation’s capital don’t understand that “We the People” won’t continue to accept the destruction of our democracy and society, we will be in Washington, [...] Continue Reading