Social Justice

By Month

By Category

February 2002

You can read the .pdf version of the September 2002  Community Alliance below. There are features that allow viewers to increase the size of the pages for easier reading. Simply place your cursor over [...] Continue Reading

January 2002

You can read the .pdf version of the January 2002  Community Alliance below. There are features that allow viewers to increase the size of the pages for easier reading. Simply place your cursor over [...] Continue Reading

December 2001

Table of Contents Page 1 - 2002 Wish List Page 2 Indymedia by Peter Hudson Page 2 Fresno Police Chief: a Police Review Commission is"is inevitable" by Greg Fletcher Page 3 & 4 Free [...] Continue Reading

October 2001

October 2001 Table of Contents Page 1, 8 and 9 Flag Wavers for Peace Page 2 Carpenters push living wage, rights and respect Page 2 Police review group plan final vote Oct 2 Page 2 [...] Continue Reading

September 2001

Table of Contents Page 1, 8, 9, 10 and 11 The Face of Anguish behind Fresno's up$cale housing by Scott Moore Page 2 Green Party goes national by Jeffrey Eisinger Page 2 From the Editor by [...] Continue Reading

August 2001

You can read the print version of the paper below. This is a .pdf of the August 2001 Community Alliance. There are features that allow viewers to increase the size of the pages for easier reading. [...] Continue Reading

August 2001

August 2001 Table of Contents Page 1 We Are Rising Up! Page 2 Letters to the Editor Gene Tuck Page 2 The Right Stuff From the Left Page 3 We are Rising Up! Page 4 Way of Peace Awards [...] Continue Reading

July 2001

Table of Contents Page 1 Free Leonard PeltierPage 1 Amnesty Activists to Join MLK MarchPage 2 A New Future for the L/CA, A Proposal for a Fresno IndieMedia Newspaper by Jeffrey ParisPage 2 [...] Continue Reading