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From the Editor

A Dysfunctional Congress The House of Representatives finally has a Speaker. Kevin McCarthy achieved his dream after a long and tedious voting marathon—15 votes. Yes, 15 times. McCarthy was blocked [...] Continue Reading

No Laughing Matter

Tempting as it might be to enjoy the chaos of the Republicans’ election of Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the House, it truly is no laughing matter. After all, once in the office he is supposedly second [...] Continue Reading

The Passing of Jay Hubbell (1946–2023)

By Community Alliance Staff Jay Hubbell—born Berl Jay Hubbell—was an active member of our community. Although a member of the Democratic Party, his activism went well beyond the party. He was also [...] Continue Reading

Can leaders learn from losses?

Voters rejected four local sales tax measures last month. Millions of dollars later—much of it in public funds—they have perhaps taught local leaders some valuable lessons, at least those who have [...] Continue Reading

Results of the Nov. 8 Election

The November 2022 midterm election is over. Not all the results are final, so some results might change. The mainstream media, as well as conservative activists, predicted a “red wave,” with [...] Continue Reading

Results of the Nov. 8 Election

The November 2022 midterm election is over. Not all the results are final, so some results might change. The mainstream media, as well as conservative activists, predicted a “red wave,” with [...] Continue Reading