POR IVÁN WIELIKOSIELEC El 15 de mayo de 2018, el por entonces presidente Donald Trump autorizaba la construcción de un muro en la frontera mexicana de 300 millas. ¿La razón? “proteger al país de [...] Continue Reading
Las Elecciones Tienen Consecuencias
Ganar elecciones no necesariamente significa ganar el poder. Tanto en México como en muchos países de Latinoamérica no es suficiente con ganar la presidencia, pues hay intereses muy arraigados [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
On Senate Candidate Barbara Lee “If the U.S. can fund an $886 billion defense budget, we can afford Medicare for All. If the U.S. can fund an $886 billion defense budget, we can afford the Green [...] Continue Reading
A Mystery to Me
Try as I might I cannot comprehend the current political world: the state of public opinion, the blame for this direction, the drought of honesty and integrity of one party, the concern re diminished [...] Continue Reading
Some Questions about Fresno’s Growth Plan
BY MATTHEW ARI JENDIAN, SIMON BIASELL, JIM GRANT AND AKIKO MIYAKE-STONER Been in Fresno long? Ever notice how the city has grown (mostly northward) and what has happened in the wake of that growth [...] Continue Reading
México Elegirá Una Mujer Presidente en 2024
POR TERESA PUENTE (Nota del Editor: el presente artículo se publica por cortesía de Caló News) El próximo año, México hará historia y elegirá por primera vez a una mujer como su [...] Continue Reading
De Política y Cosas Peores
El debate, el intercambio de ideas, el no pensar necesariamente igual que los demás son cosas que personalmente valoro. Pero no la aberración. Eso es lo que ha venido sucediendo en [...] Continue Reading
Neglect and Fatal Defects
The Fresno County Board of Supervisors (BOS) seems incompetent, indifferent and neglectful as they preside over a county care and service crisis. Several examples of the board’s offensive and obdurate [...] Continue Reading
Central Valley Progressive PAC Sponsored Page
November 2023 You can read the print version of the Central Valley Progressive PAC page below. This is a .pdf of the November 2023 Central Valley Progressive PAC Sponsored Page. There are features [...] Continue Reading
Republican Jesus
It’s one of George Bernard Shaw’s better-known quotations: “England and America are two countries separated by the same language.” Given the divisions that have been festering in our own country [...] Continue Reading
Cynicism and Nihilism the Roots of Malaise
Think back to Measure P. The proposal: a tax levied on sales transactions in Fresno to fund millions each year for parks, arts and recreation. A beautiful suggestion for a town seeking more culture [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
We wish to have nothing but good news for our readers. However, I am afraid that won’t happen in this issue. Or anytime soon. What has happened recently at Fresno City Hall is disturbing: a recent [...] Continue Reading