About 100 protestors on Shaw Avenue (across from Fashion Fair) held signs, sang and demanded that Bank of America pay its taxes. Protesters said Bank of America is the largest bank and the fifth [...] Continue Reading
Progressive News Briefs
Fresno Police Chief Accused of Racism A lawsuit, filed in Fresno Superior Court in February, says that Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer’s ringtone for Cynthia Sterling, an African-American former City [...] Continue Reading
Lawsuit Challenges Approval of Friant Ranch Project
Three local organizations have sued Fresno County to challenge the Board of Supervisors’ approval of the Friant Ranch project. The Sierra Club, the League of Women Voters of Fresno and Revive the San [...] Continue Reading
“Got Them… Er, Him”
After several months of investigation, the FBI announced on March 10 that a shadowy group calling itself the American Nationalist Brotherhood was in reality a lone school bus driver from Madera [...] Continue Reading
History in a Bar: Tying California’s Hands
I was so upset about California’s budget the other day that I almost did something about it. So I headed over to the bar to be talked out of it. But as I was sitting down to enjoy my $5 “recession [...] Continue Reading
Tired of Dirty Air? Urban Sprawl?
And so many other bad government policies? It doesn’t have to be this way. A strong majority of residents in Fresno support a wide range of progressive issues. And a plurality of registered voters in [...] Continue Reading
Progressive News Briefs
Mayor’s Privatization Scheme Defeated Fresno’s commercial solid waste workers won an important victory when City Council members voted 4-3 to stop a privatization effort led by Mayor Ashley [...] Continue Reading
The Stalking Continues
The harassment of Fresno State Student Body President Pedro Ramirez by a Tea Party activist continues unabated. The latest move of so-called citizens’ advocate Neil O’Brien was the launching of an [...] Continue Reading
Surviving the Village: An Organizer’s Tale
Hi, my name is LoriAnne Tennison. Very few of you readers know me, although a few of you may have heard or read about me. But I think that it is possible in the not-too-distant future that many of you [...] Continue Reading
What about the Homeless in Merced?
As you might guess, the homeless in Merced have as many problems today as they have had every day of their lives, as they try to get by without proper shelter, support and help from a city that would [...] Continue Reading
Why Is Downtown Modesto Dead: Homeless, Development and Resistance
In the early 2000s, the place to be for young people was downtown Modesto. People came to hang out, meet new people and be with friends. Go to downtown Modesto now, and you’ll find a very different [...] Continue Reading
Unreasonable Use of California’s Most Precious Resource
Nearly a century ago, Fresno County widow Amelia Herminghaus set off a revolution in California’s water world that fundamentally altered how water could be used. Herminghaus and her late husband had [...] Continue Reading