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Letters to the Editor – Dec. 2012

An Open Letter to President Obama…from Michael Moore Monday, November 19, 2012 Dear President Obama: Good luck on your journeys overseas this week, and congratulations on decisively winning your [...] Continue Reading

A Collective Sigh of Relief

By Michael D. Evans By and large, we had much to be pleased about with the election results in 2012. Yes, there were disappointments locally and there’s considerable uncertainty as to how victory [...] Continue Reading

Don’t Count Him Out

Dr. Jean Kennedy Despite how many people felt about President Barack Obama, he is back to serve us for another four years. What does this mean for minorities? Why did America vote Obama back in for [...] Continue Reading

Why Obama?

By Deepak Bhargava (Editor’s note: Reprinted by permission from The Nation magazine [http://www.thenation.com]). Much—perhaps too much—has been said about the president and the shortcomings and [...] Continue Reading