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The Elephant in the Room

By Mike Rhodes There has been a right-wing, conservative Republican in the Fresno mayor’s office since 1993. If you like business as usual and want more of the same, Lee Brand is your guy in the [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – Oct 2016

By Hannah Brandt My dad died of pancreatic cancer 12 years ago last month. I know he’s in a better place now. If he was suddenly given the ability to come back to life in the U.S. today, I’m not 100 [...] Continue Reading


By George B. Kauffman Climate change is occurring right now. Glaciers are retreating, and sea ice is thinning. Exponential growth of fossil fuel use has overwhelmed natural climate systems, tipping [...] Continue Reading

Beyond the Presidential Election

By Ruth Gadebusch It is the presidential election grabbing most of the spotlight this fall; however, there are a number of other matters that we ignore at our peril. There are state legislative and [...] Continue Reading


The past four weeks have been exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time. Let me explain. When I was a little girl, every Election Day, my mom would take me with her to our neighborhood polling [...] Continue Reading