Images by Howard Watkins [...] Continue Reading
Mixed Election Results in Fresno County
By Michael D. Evans No doubt everyone was shocked by the outcome of the national election. We will be assessing and analyzing how Donald Trump could possibly have been elected President for [...] Continue Reading
Science Lessons for the Next President
By George B. Kauffman Before our recent election, several science journalists wrote a detailed article titled “Science Lessons for the Next President,” Science October 21, 2016, [...] Continue Reading
Clearing the Air: Air Quality & Trump
By Tom Frantz The regressive policy proposals of Donald Trump will almost certainly be implemented during his first year in office. These will likely include federal changes weakening low-income [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor – Dec 2016
By Hannah Brandt At the time I am writing this it has been three weeks since election night. It has been an overwhelming month. I know many people are still in shock from the results. In some ways, it [...] Continue Reading
The Immigration Crisis in Central California
By Jonathan Luevanos In the wake of the controversial presidential election of Donald Trump, many cities across the nation have recently addressed the threat of an ensuing anti-immigrant reality. [...] Continue Reading
Thoughts on the 2016 Presidential Election
We have elected a person who is incompetent to perform the duties of the presidency. It is not a matter of partisan politics to observe that Hillary Clinton was probably the most qualified person [...] Continue Reading
#IVoteBecause or #IDoNotVoteBecause
We asked you on our social media pages to tell us why you do or do not vote in national, state, and local elections. We asked if you do not vote to tell us what, if anything, would get you to do [...] Continue Reading
Fresno Votes! Election November 8, 2016: An Interview with Aida Macedo
By Hannah Brandt Aida Macedo is a busy woman. She is a lawyer with a local law firm in Fresno and volunteers doing voting rights work in the Central Valley. She has been doing non-partisan election [...] Continue Reading
OPINION: Our Elections are a Mess and Only Leftists Care Enough to Fix Them
By Emily Cameron The vehement insistence that Hillary Clinton won the Democratic primary fair-and-square is unhealthy for democracy, and the narrative that Bernie Sanders supporters critiquing [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor – November 2016
By Hannah Brandt (Trigger Warning for sexual assault and pregnancy loss) It makes you bite your nails. Or tap your foot. Run your fingers through your hair until you pull it out. A lot of times you [...] Continue Reading
SATIRE: Alex Jones Eat Your Heart Out, The Real Truth Behind Hillary Clinton
By Jacob Clark (Author’s Note: This Is Satire) We all know that this election is unlike any other before it. What we have now is not a normal election between two candidates but a battle between good [...] Continue Reading