- The content in this section is paid for by the Central Valley Progressive PAC - By Mike Rhodes Looking at the changing demographics of Fresno and voter registration numbers favoring the [...] Continue Reading
Community — Or Lack Thereof — In Schools
By Rumi Sherriff Recently, substitute teacher David Roberts was banned from future employment at Clovis West High School for simply wearing a “Black Lives Matter” button while teaching. A key [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor – January 2017
By Hannah Brandt “We are not fundamentally a different country today than we were a month ago. . . The same country that elected Donald Trump, elected Barack Obama. . . This election is just another [...] Continue Reading
When Counting on a President Gets Difficult.
By Richard Gomez You would think that something as basic as counting would be easy as 1, 2, 3… but not so when it comes to elections in the United States, especially one for the office of the [...] Continue Reading
By George B. Kauffman When I wrote my last Guest Editorial, “Science Lessons for the Next President,” https://fresnoalliance.com/science-lessons-for-the-next-president December 5, 2016, based [...] Continue Reading
By Ruth Gadebusch This past election produced a nation we thought we had grown beyond. Most of us recognized that the population had not all lived up to the high ideals expressed in that document [...] Continue Reading
Community Members Denounce City Council Refusal to Vote on Anti-Slumlord Ordinance in 2016
By Hannah Brandt It is December 8, 2016. A woman says she has been living without heat for weeks, harassed by a landlord who is evicting her even though she pays her rent. Leticia Valencia, a Fresno [...] Continue Reading
Civil Rights Groups Sue Caltrans to Stop Illegal Raids Against California’s Homeless
By Bethany Woolman December 13, 2016: According to a lawsuit filed today by civil rights groups, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is violating the constitutional rights of [...] Continue Reading
Fidel and Cuba
By Leni Reeves Avoiding cult of personality has been a concern for the revolutionary government of Cuba. There are no statues of Fidel, no schools or hospitals named for him. This may possibly change [...] Continue Reading
The Orange President Cometh and Hope for the Convivial Life | Part 1
By Brian Jay Snyder On November 8, 2016, shortly before political pundits and corporate media correspondents began making their frantic projections as to whether Clinton or Trump would win or lose the [...] Continue Reading
Change and Compromise Through Grassroots Collaboration
By J. D. Montague If the general election’s apathetic turnout is any indication of local political interest, then we have a major problem facing us for the future of our local government, as well as [...] Continue Reading
Proposed Newsstand Ordinance a Concern for Independent Print News
By Editor-in-Chief If you listen to the Community Alliance version of Stir it Up on KFCF 88.1 every month, you may have heard me talk a few weeks ago about the proposed newsstand ordinance for the [...] Continue Reading