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Letter to the Editor

Planned Destruction? Democracy is in peril. Whether from Donald Trump, the Tea Party/MAGA/Republican Party, ambivalent independents or complacent (or willfully ignorant) Democrats, the future of [...] Continue Reading

Yokuts Valley: Respect or Racism?

The Fresno County Board of Supervisors are making a last-ditch attempt to hold on to S— Valley and erase the town’s new name, Yokuts Valley. The supervisors voted 3-2 for a charter amendment that [...] Continue Reading

Getting to Know a School Board Candidate

(Author’s note: Dan Bordona has announced his candidacy for a school board seat in the November 2024 election. The author worked as a teacher at Edison High School when Bordona was also there—first as [...] Continue Reading

Another Fresno Opportunity

A believer in a “downtown,” a heart of any city, I was overjoyed with the new dreams and plans for Chinatown. Then I remembered what happened to Fresno’s Fulton Mall. It was exciting, unique and [...] Continue Reading

Las Elecciones Tienen Consecuencias

Ganar elecciones no necesariamente significa ganar el poder.  Tanto en México como en muchos países de Latinoamérica no es suficiente con ganar la presidencia, pues hay intereses muy arraigados [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

On Senate Candidate Barbara Lee “If the U.S. can fund an $886 billion defense budget, we can afford Medicare for All. If the U.S. can fund an $886 billion defense budget, we can afford the Green [...] Continue Reading