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Why Don’t People Vote?

By Halima Aquino. M.A. Editor’s note: “Why Don’t People Vote” is the second in a series of articles from the VEEP Center for Democracy Initiatives following up on a research project completed by the [...] Continue Reading

Selling Out Jobs

By Art Rodriguez The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) sold out our jobs. By spearheading the American Competitiveness Act, the DOD became the responsible party for the biggest job-killer in our [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – February 2018

By Michael D. Evans At a recent Fresno City Council meeting prior to a vote on an industrial park project, District 2 City Council Member Steve Brandau admonished one of the community groups [...] Continue Reading

Candidate Without a Prayer

By George B. Kauffman Candidate Without a Prayer: An Autobiography of a Jewish Atheist in the Bible Belt. By Herb Silverman. Pitchstone Publishing, Charlottesville, VA. 2012, $22.95. ISBN [...] Continue Reading

Reaping Democracy in the Valley

By Halima Aquino, M.A. Editor’s note: “Reaping Democracy in the Valley” is the first in a series of articles from the VEEP Center for Democracy Initiatives following up on a research project [...] Continue Reading

Where Is the Decency?

By Ruth Gadebusch Those of us of a certain vintage remember the question asked of a particularly rogue senator: “Sir, have you no decency?” Well, we have another rogue to whom that question might be [...] Continue Reading

A Rising Force in Madera County

By Marilyn Deleija An up-and-coming diverse group has emerged in the Central Valley: Madera Votes. Most of the members live in the city of Madera and Madera County. The mission of Madera Votes is “to [...] Continue Reading