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Don’t Let Feds Murder Lynne Stewart

By Maria Telesco If you were in serious trouble, maybe accused of terrorism, the best court-appointed lawyer you could hope for would be Lynne Stewart. A criminal defense attorney for more than 30 [...] Continue Reading

Drone Surveillance Wants You!

By Grant Marcus There is a current war on the American people. Corporations in California are at war with us and each other, vying over which company will get the first $22 billion drone contract in [...] Continue Reading

No Drones!

By Mike Bridges An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), commonly known as a drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot on board. Its flight is either controlled autonomously by computers within the [...] Continue Reading

The Irish Soldiers of Mexico

By Michael Hogan One of the least-known stories of the Irish who came to America in the 1840s is that of the Irish battalion that fought on the Mexican side in the U.S.-Mexico War of 1846–1848. [...] Continue Reading

Iceland & Greece in the Global Crisis

By Alex Vavoulis Iceland, an independent country, is in the North Atlantic between North America and Europe, and Greece is a country in southern Europe. Both have suffered because of the global [...] Continue Reading