National & International

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COP28 Outcomes

The United Nations hosts an international conference called the Conference of the Parties (COP) to debate the steps that must be taken to combat climate change. Government representatives from all [...] Continue Reading

Cuba: Saving the Culture

Fidel Castro said, “Lo primero que hay que salvar es la cultura (The first thing to save is culture).” He was speaking at the beginning of the Special Period, the time when Cuba lost more than 80% of [...] Continue Reading

At the Crossroads in Ukraine

At 10:30 p.m. Kyiv time, on April 14, by Odesa railway station, a short, middle-aged woman with a boyish salt-and-pepper haircut gets on the long-distance bus to Moldova and cries quietly, sunglasses [...] Continue Reading

Cuba: Salvando la Cultura

POR LENI VILLAGOMEZ REEVES “Lo primero que hay que salvar es la cultura”, dijo Fidel, al comienzo del Período Especial, cuando, con la caída del bloque soviético, Cuba perdió más de 80% de sus [...] Continue Reading

What Happened in Santiago and Why

On March 17, in Santiago de Cuba, the nation’s second largest city, many people took to the streets and held a demonstration because of the long hours of electrical outages due to fuel shortages and [...] Continue Reading

Es Hora de  Ejercer el Derecho al Voto

El 2024 será un año histórico para la democracia a nivel global. De acuerdo a la organización chequeando, este año será, por curiosa coincidencia, un año electoral para cerca de cien países que [...] Continue Reading

Léanse esa Vaina Para que Aprendan

Nació el 6 de marzo de 1928 en Aracataca, en el caribe colombiano, y partió de este mundo a causa de una neumonía en abril de 2014, a los 87 años, en Ciudad de México. Ganó el Premio Nobel de [...] Continue Reading

Climate Change Adaptation Partnership

It is not easy to fully understand a system as complex as global climate change. However, a wealth of evidence shows that global warming is occurring. The evidence comes from direct measurements of [...] Continue Reading