National & International

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Michegoss: Donald J. Trump

By George B. Kauffman, Ph.D.  American political commentator, talk show host and author Chris Matthews, best known as host of the nightly hour-long talk show Hardball on MSNBC, has characterized [...] Continue Reading

Cuba’s Fresh Perspectives

By Bill Braun Twenty-five of us, 19 from the United States, joined together for 10 days during January in Cuba. Billed as “Fresh Perspectives,” our tour was that, plus many entirely new and somewhat [...] Continue Reading

Working from the “Grassroots Up”

By David Derby My wife and I witnessed something during the first week of the Trump administration that sent us reeling with outrage as we witnessed an evil that some say had constituted the most [...] Continue Reading


By Leni Reeves Find out for yourself. The Caravan will be in Fresno on Tuesday, April 25. We will share accurate and up-to-date information about Cuba, U.S.-Cuba relations, and what needs to be done [...] Continue Reading

Malak: An American Girl and Her Family

By Hannah Brandt Wasan Abu-Baker, content and translation The word malak means angel in Arabic. Malak is also a six-year-old Fresno girl who was born in Aleppo, Syria in 2010. A few months before the [...] Continue Reading