National & International

By Month

By Category

In the Normal Course of Events

By Ruth Gadebusch Following the Democratic success in the 2018 election, I expressed hope that the newfound power would be used wisely. At the moment I have some doubts, most especially in the [...] Continue Reading

Stark Raving Mad

By Marc Keyser High-level officials under President Donald Trump are actively working to combat his controversial policies and erratic behavior, according to a scathing New York Times op-ed written by [...] Continue Reading

2018 Ballot Measure Endorsement Grid

Democrats: California Democratic Party (propositions)/Fresno County Democratic Party (Measure P); Republicans: California Republican Party; Stonewall: Fresno Stonewall Democrats; Labor: California [...] Continue Reading

Impeach Trump with Our Prayers

By Marc Keyser President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey because Comey would not drop the Trump-Russia investigation, and that’s obstruction of justice. The Republican-controlled Congress said [...] Continue Reading

A Nightmare from Immigration to Tariffs

By Ruth Gadebusch Who would have thought the immigration fiasco would still be festering. And fiasco is the mildest name we could designate! Congress has had ample time to fix it but continues to let [...] Continue Reading

A Step too Far

By Ruth Gadebusch After days, months waiting, a Republican has finally criticized our president! As I have observed the actions of this man I have long questioned where the responsible adults in the [...] Continue Reading

Elections in Mexico: Change and Hope

By Eduardo Stanley   On July 1, Mexico held its general election, the results of which are considered historical. It turns out that winner and future president of the country is Andrés Manuel [...] Continue Reading

Slaughter Dedicated to Women’s Issues

By George B. Kauffman Louise M. Slaughter (D–NY) died on March 16 (1929–2018) at the age of 88, the oldest sitting member of Congress, serving her 16th term in the House of Representatives. She was [...] Continue Reading