On May 23, Fresno City Council members heard from three traumatized women who were attacked by an Islamophobic man at Porchfest in the Tower District. (See also “Hate Speech and Crimes.”) Speakers [...] Continue Reading
Local & State
Hate Speech and Crimes
Genocide and mass atrocities are commonly preceded and accompanied by “dangerous speech”—hate speech that has the potential to influence people to accept, condone or commit violence against targeted [...] Continue Reading
Central Valley Briefs
Rent Control in Delano? In a groundbreaking effort to address the housing affordability crisis, concerned citizens of Delano have turned in thousands of signatures to qualify a rent control [...] Continue Reading
Nu’u Yavi: Festival de Comida Oaxaqueña
POR EDUARDO STANLEY En los últimos 20 años aproximadamente, la presencia cultural de Oaxaca en el Valle de San Joaquín se ha vuelto cada vez más evidente, particularmente en Madera y Arvin (condado [...] Continue Reading
Central Valley Briefs
Coalinga-Huron Teachers Vote to Strike On April 15, educators from the Coalinga-Huron Unified Teachers Association (CHUTA) voted to authorize a strike if a settlement cannot be reached by early [...] Continue Reading
Vigilia en Honor a Jornaleros Fallecidos
POR EDUARDO STANLEY El pasado 28 de marzo unas 50 personas se congregaron en el Parque de la Corte, en el corazón de Madera, para rendir homenaje a los siete jornaleros mexicanos fallecidos un mes [...] Continue Reading
Manzanar: Vivir la Historia y Recordar el Pasado
POR VIC BEDOIAN “Nunca podremos corregir por completo los errores del pasado. Pero podemos adoptar una postura clara a favor de la justicia y reconocer que se cometieron graves injusticias contra [...] Continue Reading
Bitwise: No One Belongs Here More Than You
A dozen or so stunned techies gathered early during the evening of May 29 last year at Root Access Hackerspace, a modest location in Fresno’s Tower District where they were surrounded by computers, 3D [...] Continue Reading
One Judge Tries to Negate All Gun Safety Laws
The Fresno Bee reported that ammunition sales at some Fresno gun stores increased from Jan. 30 through Feb. 6.1 These dates coincide with federal Judge Roger Benitez halting required background checks [...] Continue Reading
A New Beginning
In early 2023, a Fresno restaurant was forced to shut down when it was bombarded by baseless racist accusations. Several months later and after much heartache, it reopened with a new name and a new [...] Continue Reading
Tras la Pandemia, Personas de Color se Enfrentan a la Pérdida de sus Casas
(Nota del Editor: la presente se publica con autorización de Ethnic Media Services, una agencia no lucrativa de noticias y servicios) Personas de color, que son propietarias de casas en California, [...] Continue Reading
Resurrecting a Library
The Fresno County Public Library is a special place with 34 branches throughout Fresno County. The library’s motto? “A place to grow.” The library is a place for anyone with something for everyone [...] Continue Reading