By Kaylia Metcalfe OK, I’ll admit it. I skim. I see headlines, I nod along if I agree, shake my head if I don’t and many times move on to the next sensational headline in my Facebook newsfeed. (Or, [...] Continue Reading
Coming Out, the Choice Is Yours
By Kaylia M. Metcalfe The LGBT community is made up of men, women, individuals who don’t identify as either, tall people, short people, liberals, conservatives, gun-wielding rednecks and Ivy League [...] Continue Reading
Fresno AIDS Walk
By Toni Harrison On July 30, 1985, I remember watching the news and seeing a dark, dismal and scary airport scene where Rock Hudson was wheeled from a plane, having just returned from Paris, where he [...] Continue Reading
Our Future Is Now
By Kaylia Metcalfe By the time this issue comes out, I will have become a mother. (I am due any second now, typing between contractions, so I feel pretty confident that the world will have a new [...] Continue Reading
The Power of Protest
By Kaylia Metcalfe “One two three four, we won’t take it anymore!” "Gay Straight, Black White, Same Issues Same Fight!” Over the years, I have attended many rallies, public display protests, [...] Continue Reading
Fresno’s Reel Pride Film Festival
By Kaylia Metcalfe This month marks the 23rd anniversary of the Fresno Reel Pride Film Festival, which will take place September 19–23, once again in the historic Tower District. This year’s event [...] Continue Reading
2011 LGBT Milestones You Might Have Missed
By Kaylia Metcalfe Welcome to December! Soon the Internet and print publications will be abuzz with End of the Year Lists. Best Books Aimed at Teen Age Girls! Most Influential Side Characters in TV [...] Continue Reading
“Queer Eye…” Column Ending
By Dan Waterhouse I am ending “Queer Eye…” After the Community Alliance printed a front-page story in July about an officer-involved shooting at Belmont and Peach avenues, I began hearing that [...] Continue Reading
The Boundary of Free Speech
By Kaylia Metcalfe Back in August, there was a lot of attention surrounding Florida teacher Jerry Buell, who posted on his Facebook page that the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York made [...] Continue Reading
Queer Eye: Vigilantes in the Tower?
By Dan Waterhouse Down in Fresno’s Tower District, the words hipster and Tower rat are becoming synonymous with scumbag. And a vigilante movement to eject “undesirables” from the neighborhood is [...] Continue Reading
Queer Eye – Neil O’Brien Facing Campus Charges
Fresno State gadfly and Tea Party activist Neil O’Brien is facing campus judicial action after two Chicano and Latin American Studies professors filed incident reports with the University police in [...] Continue Reading
Queer Eye – Pride Truly “Legally Proud!”
Neither missing sponsors, last-minute glitches, a Tower District sex purveyor nor the wettest June 4 on record could keep the 21st Fresno Pride parade and festival from being truly “Legally [...] Continue Reading