From the Editor

By Month

By Category

From the Editor – December 2017

By Hannah Brandt This month, it is hard to write this. That is not only because I happen to be sick as a dog as I do so, but as many of you know, this is my last month as editor. Even when one [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – November 2017

By Hannah Brandt Three years ago, the hashtag #YesAllWomen went viral on social media as women confronted the world with their stories of sexual abuse and assault. The aim was to make people listen [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – October 2017

By Hannah Brandt It is easy for this political moment to feel like the movie Groundhog Day, where you keep waking up expecting it to be a new day only to find it is the same unbearable day every [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – September 2017

By Hannah Brandt August was another exhausting and often discouraging month. From the Fresno City Council passing the ban on homeless dwellings in Fresno to the White supremacist attacks in [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – August 2017

By Hannah Brandt It’s another sweltering summer here in the Valley. We have had more days above 100 degrees in a row than I can remember. I dream of clean, cool air. When I was growing up, my family [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – July 2017

By Hannah Brandt Nostalgia is the name of the game right now. All of our favorite TV shows, movies, books and, even video games are getting the reboot treatment lately. Everything from Gilmore Girls [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – June 2017

  By Hannah Brandt As the school year ends, young people have been on my mind. I used to teach high school social studies and have continued to work with teens over the years. Whenever I see [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – May 2017

By Hannah Brandt On April 9, we held our annual fundraiser. This year’s theme was Growing Community Alliance. Here is the editor’s update I presented that night. Thank you all for coming! It’s so [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – April 2017

By Hannah Brandt The last few weeks many have been focused on healthcare. In a whirlwind of brutality and incompetence, the GOP health plan/Trumpcare imploded before our eyes. It had some of the [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – March 2017

By Hannah Brandt Only six weeks into the Trump administration we are trapped in a culture of fear. If you are a woman, an immigrant, a person of color, a member of the LGBTQ community, a person living [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – February 2017

By Hannah Brandt January felt like a tornado hit. In the storm, Barack Obama became the former president, Donald Trump became the current president, and the country commemorated the life of Martin [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – January 2017

By Hannah Brandt “We are not fundamentally a different country today than we were a month ago. . . The same country that elected Donald Trump, elected Barack Obama. . . This election is just another [...] Continue Reading