By Tom Frantz Two disturbing items for air quality advocates slipped under the media radar recently. First, California is moving in the wrong direction with greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions. Carbon [...] Continue Reading
And so Greens Must Carry On and On…
By Richard Gomez “Apathy isn’t it. We can do something. So flower power didn’t work. So what. We start again.” —John Lennon The California Greens continue to run and win local elections—10 out of 19 [...] Continue Reading
Clearing the Air: Myths and Facts about Truck Pollution
By Tom Frantz Without a doubt, a significant portion of our pollution comes from large diesel trucks. They emit about a third of all the nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions in the Valley. The oil industry, [...] Continue Reading
The Logic of the Absence of Cars
By Leonard Adame [...] Continue Reading
Health Problems That May Be Caused by…
By Laura Rosenberger Large amounts of the following crops and foods are genetically modified (GM): soy, corn, corn syrup, canola oil, cottonseed oil, sugar beets (and sugar from beets), [...] Continue Reading
Water and Climate Crisis: The Time To Act Is Now
By Grant Marcus California is experiencing a drought like it has not seen in more than 500 years. High-intensity, high-pressure modern drilling uses tons of sand, unnamed chemicals and industrial [...] Continue Reading
Climate Change
By George B. Kauffman From the thousands of articles that have appeared in in the scientific literature for decades, I am convinced that climate change is a serious problem and is anthropogenic [...] Continue Reading
Clearing the Air: Embracing New Sources of Pollution
By Tom Frantz There may be a need to clear up public misunderstandings about different types of air pollution. Under the federal Clean Air Act, there are several different categories of harmful air [...] Continue Reading
The Great Fresno County Bicycle Coalition Tour of 2014: Why It Is What It Is
By Alec Kimmel Whenever I bring up the idea of how great it would be if the City of Fresno focused its efforts to promote bicycle use on the construction of bicycle trails, inevitably someone asks, [...] Continue Reading
San Joaquin River Tops List of Most Endangered Rivers
By Vic Bedoian The conservation group American Rivers in April released its annual list of the nation’s most endangered rivers, and topping that list is our very own San Joaquin River. American [...] Continue Reading
Imagine a Better California: Vote Green Party
By Richard Gomez “Imagine a California where there is no more poverty, no more failing prison system, no more poisoning of our eco-system, free healthcare for all, free quality education and art, [...] Continue Reading
Clearing the Air: Ozone From China and Emission Reduction Credits
By Tom Frantz Sometimes you just have to laugh when you read about San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (the Air District) attempts to pass the blame for our air pollution onto sources [...] Continue Reading