By Rubén Casas Working from the premise that public space—land that is available and accessible to everyone—has a large effect on the overall civic nature of a community, how will the city’s intention [...] Continue Reading
Clearing the Air: Science Proves the Benefits of Cleaning Our Air
By Tom Frantz The American Lung Association, in its annual State of the Air report, leaves no doubt that the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley has the worst fine particulate matter (PM2.5) [...] Continue Reading
Group Ties Interior Nominee/Westlands Lobbyist to Arctic Refuge Scientific Fraud
By Dan Bacher Editor’s note: This article was originally published in the Daily Kos and is republished under its terms and [...] Continue Reading
When Your Tap Water Is Toxic
By Kena Cador Editor's Note: This article was originally published by the ACLU of Northern California and is republished with permission. “On [...] Continue Reading
Clearing the Air: Congress Is Trying to Gut the Clean Air Act
By Tom Frantz HR 806, the Ozone Standards Implementation Act of 2017, is the brainchild of our San Joaquin Valley Air Board, and it is being sponsored in Congress by Valley legislators Jim Costa [...] Continue Reading
An Open Letter to the California Air Resources Board
By Cherylyn Smith (Author’s note: The following letter was submitted to the CARB and posted on its Scoping Plan Comments page on April 10.) Although it is customary to opt for mitigations, offsets [...] Continue Reading
Earth Day and the March for Science
By Hannah Brandt On Saturday, April 22 Earth Day 2017 was held at Radio Park in downtown Fresno. The theme was "Environmental & Climate Literacy" The organizers described the focus of the [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor – April 2017
By Hannah Brandt The last few weeks many have been focused on healthcare. In a whirlwind of brutality and incompetence, the GOP health plan/Trumpcare imploded before our eyes. It had some of the [...] Continue Reading
Clearing the Air: Public be Damned!
By Tom Frantz The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (air district) recently released their annual report to the community. It is a collection of misleading information describing the [...] Continue Reading
Trump’s Push for More Oil Extraction on Public Lands Hits Central California
By Vic Bedoian Oil and gas drilling has been halted on federal lands in California during the past four years due to a successful legal action taken by the Center for Biological Diversity. Now the [...] Continue Reading
Clearing the Air: Wood Stoves are Killers
By Tom Frantz Guess what is dirtier than an old diesel truck hauling dead cows to a rendering plant in West Fresno? The answer is a wood stove. According to a Danish paper on the dangers of wood [...] Continue Reading
Health and Justice in Water Board’s Hands with Pesticide Byproduct
By Asha Kreiling Twenty-five years ago, the drinking water contaminant 1,2,3-TCP was added to the state of California's list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer. Water contaminated by this [...] Continue Reading