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Uprooting Racism Project Reactivated

By Vickie M. Fouts The Uprooting Racism Project grew out of a book discussion using Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice by Paul Kivel. It was sponsored by the Women’s [...] Continue Reading

On the Outside Looking In

By Ruth Gadebusch Last month, after stating my belief in the public school system, I closed my column expressing concerns about troubles emanating from our local system, namely, the Fresno Unified [...] Continue Reading

Stand with Students

By Simone Cranston-Rhodes For too long, our community and educators have not kept an attentive eye on what is happening with the superintendent or the board at the Fresno Unified School District [...] Continue Reading

It Is That Time of Year

By Ruth Gadebusch For all the complaints and criticisms one hears about public education these days, there is still something exciting about the beginning of a new school year. It is a fresh start [...] Continue Reading

Fresno PD Refuses to Enforce Gun Laws

By Lindsey Spec In May 2014, the Fresno Bee covered a story of a 13-year-old student found with a .357 magnum and bullets at Baird Middle School. The gun was owned by the father, a Fresno County [...] Continue Reading

Freedom School A Positive Outlet

By Reverend Dr. Floyd D. Harris, Jr. It’s the dawning of a Saturday morning. Despite the forecast of triple-digit summer heat, young men and women have gathered anxiously awaiting their chance to [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – May 2015

Achievement Gap due to Systemic Inequity By Karen Humphrey  Though I risk being patted on the head and addressed as “dear lady,” I take issue with Mark Arax’s patronizing attack on Ruth Gadebusch for [...] Continue Reading