(Editor's note: The writer of this article, a student at CSUF, was so concerned that he would be expelled or disciplined for writing this information that he would not use his name. It is alarming [...] Continue Reading
Fresno: How I Love Thee
Local Organizers Take on Disparities and Call to Action Oh Fresno… “I love Fresno.” This rarely leaves the lips of Fresno residents or visitors. Shame of our city hovers thickly, holding hands with [...] Continue Reading
To Charter or Not to Charter?
By: Ruth Gadebuch "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be."-Thomas Jefferson. "Popular government without education is a prologue to a farce or a [...] Continue Reading
Hanson’s Charter School – Steering Our Community into Dangerous Waters
By: Greg Gadams February 10, 2010, is a day that will live in infamy in the eyes of local educators. It was the day that Superintendent Michael Hanson and the Board of the Fresno Unified School [...] Continue Reading
New Times Coming
By: Moises Lucas Sierra The March 4th Day of Action was a collective of students, faculty, staff and concerned citizens. The objective of the demonstrations was to highlight awareness of the state's [...] Continue Reading
Vouchers, Charter Schools and Public Education
By: Ruth Gadebusch Charter Schools are the latest panacea for the "failing public schools," or so the self-anointed critics of public education would have us believe. Fresno Unified School District [...] Continue Reading
What Do Teachers Make?
The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
By: Mike Rhodes Like most Community Alliance readers, I want to believe that our lives in Fresno are improving as we work through the many serious problems that confront us. In the past year, the [...] Continue Reading
Fresno State Should Support Academic Freedom—Not Hate Radio
By: Richard Gomez Among the “big boys” in our city, Fresno State ranks right up there as an influential giant. The decisions it makes and the values it demonstrates are visible and important. Often [...] Continue Reading
Common Sense, Not Excuses
Never is there any lack of opinion about public education: how well it is, or is not, serving us. Nor is there ever a lack of opinion as to how to fix any problems it may have. After all, we all went [...] Continue Reading