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What’s So Deadly about Dust?

By Hannah Brandt With the surge in Valley Fever cases over the past few years, are we amid a new Dust Bowl? If you live outside California or the Southwest, you may never have heard of Valley Fever, [...] Continue Reading

A Student Movement for Student Voice

By Saa’un P. Bell On May 8, about 50 student leaders across California assembled to urge the State Board of Education for greater student participation in the state’s new school funding law, known [...] Continue Reading

A Student’s Voice Heard

By Cheyann Wakefield As a senior at Fresno High, I look forward to what my future holds and I reflect on my experience as a Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) student. I think about what I’ve been [...] Continue Reading

The Best Kept Secret

By Ruth Gadebusch Almost the first time I ever heard of Fresno it was said with disdain. Yes, that was from San Francisco Bay Area citizens inclined to look down on most places as having less value [...] Continue Reading

No Simple Answers

By Ruth Gadebusch Once again, the idea of dividing the Fresno Unified School District is in the air as the answer to all the woes. Alas, it is not as simple as that. We don’t need any more [...] Continue Reading