“‘President Trump’ are two words that are tough to wake up to every morning,” says Michael Eggman, who ran two insurgent campaigns for Congress as the Democratic nominee in California’s 10th Congressional district. Before Trump’s election, Eggman thought that he “would retire from politics and go back to farming.”
Instead, he launched a new organization, Red to Blue California, which is committed to flipping the seven Republican-held California House seats won by Hillary Clinton in 2016 and building a bench of talented local candidates to be future leaders.
“I’m ready to do my part to continue to resist,” notes Eggman.
Although the immediate focus is the seven federal races in 2018, longer term Red to Blue California intends to build a permanent progressive infrastructure in the “swing” areas of California, including electing a bench of talented Democrats to serve as strong voices for the future.
“By creating a strong crop of local candidates,” says Eggman, “we can return common sense representation to the forgotten areas of our state and create good candidates ready to step up and run in federal races down the line. Often, these areas of the state are rural and financially stressed, so the local parties might not have the resources to support their local candidates. That’s where we step in.”
“Together, we can make a difference,” said Eggman. “Trump isn’t on the ballot in 2018, but the Republican Congressmen who conspire with him to undo the fabric that makes our country great are up for re-election.”
Learn more about Red to Blue California at www.redtoblueca. com.