Over 100 people came out on a hot Fresno day to protest recent gun violence incidents and call for legislation to reduce access to the weapons used in these mass shootings. Chanting “not one more” the protestors walked on the sidewalk in front of River Park, a large shopping center in this city.
The Fresno march was one of over 400 March For Our Lives events in this country. The rallies on June 11, 2022 were organized by March for Our Lives, an organization that emerged from the survivors of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida in 2018.
Nicole Webb, a pediatrician and organizer of the Fresno event spoke as the crowd gathered. With her three children standing next to her, she said “gun violence is the number one cause of death of American children. That is inexcusable and unconscionable.”
There will be a public meeting to develop strategies to solve the problem of mass shootings and gun violence on Wednesday, June 29 at 7 p.m. This meeting will be held at St. James Episcopal Cathedral, 4147 E Dakota Ave in Fresno. For more information, contact: Dean Samuel Colley-Toothaker dean@stjamesfresno.org 847-714-6975.